Orqa + ImmersionRC Merger


SpiroNET LZR-Mini

Antenna Array


Tramp Nano

High Power, Diminutive Size, IRC Quality



Unique High Performance Hybrid DVR/Goggle Battery


LapRF 8-Way Event Timer

The best RSSI based Drone Race Timer, Bar None!


LapRF Drone Race Timing

Taking transponder-free race timing to the next level


ImmersionRC Race Technology

For Race Organizers


TrampHV 5.8GHz

Racing Video Transmitter


Innovative FPV Electronics


Legacy Ready To Fly Racing Drones


Vortex 180 Mini Racing Quadcopter

Vortex 230 Mojo

Vortex 275 Metall Danny Edition

Who’s never dreamed of flying?!

Fly like a bird, without leaving the ground!

Since 2006, when vrflyer published his ‘Bromont Royal Golf Club‘ video, the ImmersionRC team have been hooked on this rapidly developing hobby. Our goal is simple, to develop products which give the wonderful sensation of FPV flight to the world. 14 years on, we are the world leader in high quality FPV equipment, and are just as passionate about the hobby as we were watching vrflyer’s video.

  • High quality video down-links

  • Reliable, long range control up-links

  • Custom Antennas

  • OSDs, and Telemetry

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FatShark DVR Updates

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V1.2a This build, created by ImmersionRC, fixes the 'black blinky' issue when using rapidFIRE with PAL cameras. The 'a' version fixes occasional frame rate problems in extreme conditions. (more…)

EzUHF SBus Low Latency Beta firmware

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What it's all about When flying fast and agile mini-quads, the time to transmit control information from remote to flight controller plays an important role. Latency in the transmission forces…

Introducing rotorSENSE

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Anyone who has hooked up a brushless motor to a model will understand how to reverse the motor direction. With rotorSENSE we hope to change that. On cabled systems with…

RF Range Demystified

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Once the initial euphoria of the first FPV flight has passed, one of the first questions that enters a FPV newcomer's mind is 'how far can I fly'. In the…