Uno2400 2.4GHz A/V Rx
An Audio/Video Receiver for the 2.4GHz band for pilots who like to push the limits. A (very) sensitive custom-designed, best-in-class, NexWaveRF receiver.
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The 2.4GHz Band
Before the advent of 2.4GHz R/C gear, the 2.4GHz was the primary band for FPV video downlinks.
Coupled with a UHF LRS (Long Range Up-link), ranges of tens of kilometers were easily achievable.
The ‘Free Space Loss’ on 2.4GHz is much lower than it is on 5.8GHz, meaning signals go further, with the same power transmitted.
13 Channel support, Lawmate, Airwave, and International bands
Exclusive high-quality NexWaveRF receiver technology
Triple A/V output, for three viewing/recording devices
Dual-button user-interface, and remote control from the groundstation
Several km range with 10mW CE-legal transmitters
Filtered, or Unfiltered
Two variants of the Uno2400 are available. The standard product, and a special-edition ‘Unfiltered’ version.
Unfiltered Edition

SpiroNET 2G4 Patch
The Uno2400, married to our 13dBi 2.4GHz Patch, makes a perfect couple.
Multi-Band Support
The Uno2400 supports four common bands, used in the FPV hobby.
Users upgrading from Lawmate equipment will find all of their favorite frequencies on band #1
Users with older ImmersionRC 2.4GHz ‘Airwave’ equipment are supported on band #2.
Band #3 includes frequencies legal in the EU, and Band #4 includes frequencies legal for use in the USA, which match the US SKU of our 700mW 2.4GHz A/V Transmitter.

Groundstation Link
As with all of our A/V receivers, the Uno2400 includes a single-cable hookup to an ImmersionRC Grounstation, or Antenna Tracker.
Video, Audio, Power, and a bi-directional data link are all passed down a single cable to simplify Ground Station installations.
Receiver band and channel may be controlled remotely, with remote display of frequency, in MHz, and received signal quality (RSSI) in dBm.
Essential Specs, User Manuals, Firmware & Downloads
Retail Price ($USD): $79.00
Initial Release Date: Dec 2014
Sensitivity (first snow): -94dBm
Sensitivity (lost syncs): -106dBm
Length: 85mm
Width: 75mm
Height: 25mm
Weight: 170g
Power Requirements: 6v – 16v
Power Consumption: ~240mA
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(Unofficial – Full & final testing may not have been carried out on beta release firmware, use with caution!)
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